I require a mobile service but am outside of the service area.

Depending on the exact location, we may be able to make an exception. While there’s no hard rule for how we determine what we’re able to accommodate, we’ll do our best to help you find the most appropriate solution.

Given the current pandemic, what measures do you take to ensure safe interactions between you and the client?

All services are performed either outdoors (weather permitting) or underneath a well-ventilated structure (ex. garage with the garage door completely open, underneath an outdoor structure). We take the safety of our team and client seriously!

My bike’s shifting seems off. Does my bike require maintenance?

There can be a number of reasons why your bike’s shifting seems off. But before you bring in your bike for maintenance, let’s make sure we’re using good shifting technique. Follow these 3 basic rules to ensure you’re shifting like a pro:

  1. Avoid a crossed chain line. (Large front chainring with largest rear sprocket or Smallest front chainring with smallest rear sprocket)

  2. Avoid shifting under heavy load (during a hard climb or a hard sprint)

  3. Shifting will seem sluggish during a slow pedal cadence. If possible, speed up your pedal cadence and your shifting will improve.

If you’re still experiencing shifting issues, a bike service will most likely be required. Book a service appointment and we’ll get to work on your bike!

Can I spectate as you perform the bike service?

For mobile services, you are more than welcome to spectate and ask questions as the service is completed.

For dropoff services, since we may not immediately start working on your bike, it’s best to prepare any questions beforehand. We’ll be sure to keep you in the loop of all pertinent information regarding the progress of the service.

I have damaged my carbon frame. Are you able to perform repairs on it?

Unfortunately, we do not offer carbon frame repairs. Carbon repair is a highly technical service that requires a specialized set of tools and skillset. There are, however, a number of carbon repair specialists in the Greater Toronto Area that would be well equipped to meet your carbon repair needs.

I know how to service my own bike but I don’t have access to tools. Do you loan out tools?

We are currently unable to loan out tools. However, if you’re able to make it out to our garage, you can use the required tool on-site, free of charge.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept cash and Interac e-transfer as forms of payment.

Do you have any tips for keeping my bike in great working order?

Here are some quick tips:

  1. Keep your drivetrain (gears, chain, and derailleurs) well-lubricated.

  2. Dry your bike ASAP after riding in wet conditions.

  3. A clean bike is a happy bike. A quick light rinse and wipe down does the job.

  4. Address any fittings that appear to be loose. Riding with loose fittings can result in permanent damage, bike and bodily!